Who am I?
After graduating with a Master’s degree in literary translation, I started working as a freelance translator in 2013. Since then, I specialised in translating marketing texts, which allow translators to enjoy more freedom than literary ones. Although I prefer translating texts related to cosmetics, I am also open to other subjects, such as digital marketing, tourism or nutrition. I particularly enjoy translating blog articles–actually, I even have my own blog, where I share my life as a translator.
My career is all about passion. Each and every new project gives me the opportunity to learn new things; I love finding the right word, the best title for a blog article, the tone that fits each message.
Why “Mockingbirds”?
I chose the name Mockingbirds as a reference to Harper Lee’s splendid To Kill a Mockingbird novel, whose title happens to have a very interesting French translation: “Ne tirez pas sur l’oiseau moqueur” (literally “Do not shoot the mockingbird”). This title is quite fascinating because, as you probably noticed, it contains an additional negation. Other translations include “Quand meurt le rossignol” (When the nightingale dies) and “Alouette, je te plumerai” (“Skylark, I will pluck you”, a reference to the classic French nursery rhyme “Alouette”).
Three translators, three titles: when it comes to translation, it is important to choose a translator that suits you. Translation is a subjective art form, which is why I always accept to take a small free translation test.